13 March 2025

An update on CalMac’s commitment to improving every journey people take on our ferry network

In partnership with Transport Scotland, we developed an enhancement and change plan designed to improve service delivery and address concerns among our customers and stakeholders. This plan is about making positive changes to how services are delivered across the network.

In this plan, we set out a series of initiatives which we have been progressing since 1 October 2024 and aim to complete during the contract extension period for CHFS2, which ends 30 September 2025.

Some of our key achievements so far include starting to increase the level of engagement by adding to our Area Manager capacity and holding face to face sessions with our communities about seasonal timetable changes. Additionally, the successful launch of our Route Performance reports has started to improve transparency by giving customers insights into monthly performance on reliability and punctuality, across our regions, routes and individual islands.

In the next six months we will have recruited and started to embed new ways of working for all our Area Managers and Deputy Area Managers to increase local engagement, implemented our pilots to improve deck space and reservations which should allow more customers to travel when they need to and continued to deliver customer improvements to the booking system.

Completing this plan will improve our ferry service, and the experience every customer has from the moment they search for a route to book until the moment their journey is over.

We now have a designated page on our website where you can get the latest update on all our initiatives, visit www.calmac.co.uk/enhancement-and-change-plan