16 November 2023

CalMac welcomes Clyde and Hebrides Ferry Service contract news

Following a statement by Fiona Hyslop, Minister for Transport in the Scottish Parliament today, CalMac has welcomed the opportunity to engage with Transport Scotland to work towards agreeing a new future for the delivery of Clyde and Hebrides Ferry Services.

Robbie Drummond, Chief Executive of CalMac, said: "I very much welcome the announcement by the Transport Minister confirming the intention to explore a direct award for the next contract for Clyde and Hebrides Ferry Services to CalMac.

"With under a year remaining on the current contract, we welcome the opportunity to work alongside Scottish Government and Transport Scotland to ensure continuity of lifeline ferry services and a focus on continual improvement for communities across the Clyde and Hebrides. Taking the uncertainty out of the contract would allow us to focus all our efforts on improving service delivery, without the distraction of a highly resource-intensive procurement process.

"We have a highly skilled, committed and experienced staff, who care deeply about island and rural communities and are passionate about delivering the best possible service.

"We will continue to work in partnership with local stakeholders and communities to ensure the best possible outcomes for all who rely on our services. We are also looking forward to welcoming six major and 10 small vessels into the fleet in the near future, which will build capacity and resilience across our network.

"This announcement by the Minister will be well received by all staff working at CalMac. All of us at CalMac are committed to working together to focus our efforts on improving the service we deliver to our customers."

Read the latest news from across our network.

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