13 October 2023

Outcome of public consultation on CalMac's Route Prioritisation Framework

CalMac is pleased to announce the conclusion of its public consultation on the proposed changes to the Route Prioritisation Framework for its major vessel network. This framework serves as a pivotal tool in our decision-making process for distributing services where they are most needed during significant disruptions.

The proposed changes to the framework were developed in close collaboration with Transport Scotland and the Ferries Community Board, influenced by community and stakeholder feedback advocating for a 'fairer' and 'more transparent' system. Importantly, the consultation was carried out in line with the Islands Community Impact Assessment Process, ensuring a comprehensive and inclusive approach.

The consultation, which saw robust participation with over 200 responses, was aimed at refining the framework used to distribute services during disruptions.

After a comprehensive review of the feedback received, CalMac has refined its proposals to better align with the needs and expectations of island communities. The key decisions include:

  • When calculating the priority of each route, CalMac will put more emphasis on the level of use by both island residents and commercial vehicles.
  • Routes with limited capacity on alternative services will be prioritised higher.
  • Given alternative travel options are available, Ardrossan-Campbeltown and Mallaig-Armadale routes will be the first to experience disruption if a vessel is available and a cascade involving those routes can help.
  • The aim is to ensure that no route is without service for more than one week, where possible – this excludes Ardrossan-Campbeltown and Mallaig-Armadale.
  • The rationale behind vessel deployment decisions will be clearly communicated.

Based on the feedback received, the following proposals will not be adopted:

  • Routes will not be prioritised based on higher levels of historical disruption. Instead, recent disruptions will continue to be captured and considered within the existing prioritisation framework.
  • Spreading vessels across multiple routes will not be a standard practice, especially if it results in less optimal vessel deployment; this will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Pauline Blackshaw, Director of Strategy & Change at CalMac, said: "We are immensely grateful to everyone who participated in this consultation. Your contributions have been instrumental in shaping a more effective framework for our ferry services. While we will continue to face challenges in distributing services during major vessel outages, these refined changes are a significant step towards a more equitable and transparent system.

“Looking ahead, we very much welcome the investment provided over the next few years to deliver six new major vessels and 10 smaller vessels, which should reduce the requirement for route prioritisation in the future. In the meantime, these revisions demonstrate our commitment to the continuous improvement of our services for the benefits of our customers.”

A full analysis of the consultation can be found on CalMac's website in line with the ICIA process.

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