1 November 2024

Kennacraig harbour

Contact Kennacraig harbour

Kennacraig Harbour,  Whitehouse By Tarbert Argyll PA29 6YF

Telephone (UK)

01880 280281

Telephone (International)




55°48'24.2"N 5°28'59.7"W

Wind & Weather Data

Live wind and weather data can be viewed on the following link:

Live Wind and Weather Data - Kennacraig




Any yachts wishing to use Kennacraig should contact the Harbour prior to arrival. Any yachts using the Harbour must ensure that the ferry approaches to the pier are kept clear at all times.

Cruise Ships

Kennacraig is not an ISPS compliant port. Cruise Vessels are advised to check the CMAL website for all NTMs, including the four Standing NTMs.

For more information on things to do in Tarbert Loch Fyne visit our Kintyre destination page

Cruise Ship Tenders

Kennacraig is not an ISPS compliant port.

Commercial Vessels

Kennacraig has no commercial vessel activity

Fishing Vessels

No fishing vessels use Kennacraig Ferry Terminal as home port

About the local harbour

Kennacraig Harbour is situated approximately 5 miles (8 kilometres) by road from the fishing village of Tarbert, Loch Fyne where all local amenities are located.

Ferry Movements

CFL operate a timetabled ferry service year round from Kennacraig to Islay, Colonsay and Oban. Any vessel wishing to use Kennacraig should make themselves aware of the timetable as priority will be given to the lifeline ferry service. There are 2 berths that can accommodate vessels up to 100m, one with a linkspan.


No anchorage within the Harbour limits


There are no moorings within the harbour limits


There are no pontoons within the harbour limits

Port Authority / Operator

Authority: Caledonian Maritime Assets Ltd

Operator: CalMac Harbours (Division of CalMac Ferries Ltd)


Approx. annual tonnage

10 000 000 GT

Principle traffic

Passengers / cargo

River / Tidal Berths







No of berths


Commercial cargo handling facilities

Linkspans: 1 capacity 100T


Waste and water.

Harbour User Information

CalMac Harbours would welcome all feedback on Navigation and Port Waste Management. For the questionnaires, please refer to the Procedures and Documents section of the website. 

VHF CH12 Listening Watch

All vessels operating in the bay are requested to listen to VHF CH 12 at all times. Large vessels will make movement safety announcements on VHF CH 12. It is important all vessels are aware of these movements so appropriate action can be taken to ensure navigational safety.