1 November 2024

Kerrera harbour

Contact Kerrera harbour

Kerrera Slip Isle of Kerrera PA34 4QH

Telephone (UK)

01631 700506

Telephone (International)

Two cyclists waiting to travel to the isle of Kerrera on the ferry  and explore the Hutcheson monument



56° 23.996'N 005° 31.054'W

Wind & Weather Data

Live wind and weather data can be viewed on the following link:

Live Wind and Weather Data - Kerrera




CFL do not operate any moorings in the bay area. All enquiries should be directed to the Oban office.

Cruise Ships

There are currently no cruise ship facilities at Kerrera. All enquiries should be directed to the Oban office.

Cruise Ship Tenders

When in use, multiple cruise ship tenders can land at Kerrera. This is a non-ISPS compliant facility, and vessel owners are advised to contact the Oban Port Manager to discuss security arrangements prior to any landing.

Commercial Vessels

There are currently no commercial vessel facilities at Kerrera. All enquiries should be directed to the Oban office.

Fishing Vessels

Small fishing vessels are permitted to use the Kerrera pier upon agreement with Oban Pier Master. Contact 01631 565854

About the local harbour

The island is around 7 km (4 mi) long and around 2 km (1 14 mi) wide, and is separated from the mainland by the Sound of Kerrera, about 500 m (14 mi) wide. The highest point on Kerrera is Carn Breugach at 189 m (620 ft). The island is linked to the mainland by two ferry services. There are tracks that lead to the scattered settlements in the centre and south of the island. The south end circular walking loop takes around 3 hours to walk. 

The island is known for the ruined Gylen Castle, a small tower house built in 1582. It was also the place where Alexander II of Scotland died in 1249.

Ferry Movements

There are 28 ferry sailings daily. These are from Gallanach slip, 550m to Kerrera Slip.


There is no anchorage available at Kerrera.





Port Authority / Operator

Authority: Caledonian Maritime Assets Ltd (CMAL)

Operator: CalMac Harbours (Division of CalMac Ferries Ltd)

Approx annual tonnage


Principle traffic


River / Tidal Berths


Commercial cargo handling facilities




Harbour User Information

CalMac Harbours would welcome all feedback on Navigation and Port Waste Management. For the questionnaires, please refer to the Procedures and Documents section of the website. 

VHF CH12 Listening Watch

All vessels operating in the bay are requested to listen to VHF CH 12 at all times. Large vessels will make movement safety announcements on VHF CH 12. It is important all vessels are aware of these movements so appropriate action can be taken to ensure navigational safety.