1 November 2024

Tobermory harbour

Contact Tobermory harbour

Ferry Terminal, Tobermory, Isle of Mull, PA75 6NU

Telephone (UK)

01688 327089

Telephone (International)

+441688 327089


GPS Coordinates

N 56.623303 , W -6.063128

Wind & Weather Data

Live wind and weather data can be viewed on the following link:

Live Wind and Weather Data - Tobermory




Yachts enter the harbour and are controlled by Tobermory Harbour Authority, Contact  phone number 01688 302876 during office hours.  VHF Channel 68

Cruise Ships

Only the smallest Cruise ships come alongside the Calmac pier, Lord of the Glens and Hebridean Princess. All other cruise vessels are controlled by Tobermory Harbour Authority.

Cruise Ship Tenders

Tenders use Tobermory Harbour Authority pontoon.

Commercial Vessels

Smaller commercial vessels can tie up on the outside of the ferry which would require prior notice. Any vessel over 300 ton would need to tie up against the pier, which would require the ferry to tie up on its mooring in the bay. This mooring is weather dependant and if conditions are not suitable the ferry will have priority on mooring against the pier. 

Anchoring in the bay will be advised by Tobermory Harbour Authority.

Fishing Vessels

Fishing vessel tie up at the inner pier. This is the preferred berth as it does not interfere with ferry operations. Fishing vessel land, mostly shellfish, on the inner pier. 

About the local harbour

Tobermory is a sheltered harbour in all wind directions. It is operated by Tobermory Harbour Authority.

Ferry Movements

Seven ferry sailings per day in the summer, three or four per day in the winter with no Sunday sailing. The ferry lies up on the outer face of the  pier overnight and when it's not sailing through the day. The ferry has priority for lying up on the pier when the weather is poor. The ferry operates off the slipway during the day.


Anchorages available as per charts.


Contact Tobermory Harbour Authority


Contact Tobermory Harbour Authority

Port Authority / Operator

Authority: Caledonian Maritime Assets Ltd (CMAL)

Operator: CalMac Harbours (Division of CalMac Ferries Ltd)

Principle traffic

Passengers / Cargo

River / Tidal Berths



1 X 26m

1 X 18m


Max - 4.5m

Approximate Annual Tonnage

500 000 T

Number of Berths



Waste and water (Fuel - Only by prior arrangement).

VHF CH12 Listening Watch

All vessels operating in the bay are requested to listen to VHF CH 12 at all times. Large vessels will make movement safety announcements on VHF CH 12. It is important all vessels are aware of these movements so appropriate action can be taken to ensure navigational safety.