20 Mar 2025
DML Procurement Strategy 2023-2026
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The procurement responsibility for the David MacBrayne Group is carried out by our Head of Supply Chain, reporting to our Finance Director. The Group companies are David MacBrayne Ltd., CalMac Ferries Ltd. and David MacBrayne HR (UK) Ltd.
We procure goods, services and works by effective use of competition whenever possible. The prime objective of our procurement actions is to obtain best value for money. We consider the optimum combination of quality and whole life cost that will meet the needs of the user's requirements.
We are subject to a series of National Directives and the World Trade Organisation's Government Procurement Agreement. We promote non-discriminatory, equal and transparent competition between suppliers of goods, services or works. Our organisation is still required to advertise high value contract notices in the Official Journal of European Union (OJEU). This is now an automatic process that takes place once contract notices are uploaded to the UK wide e-notification system called 'Find a Tender Service' (FTS). This allows compliance with EU procurement law, to which the UK is still bound as part of the Withdrawal Agreement.
In all our dealings with suppliers and potential suppliers we maintain the highest standards of honesty, integrity, impartiality and objectivity. We pursue value for money and encourage continuous improvement and innovation to take advantage of latest developments.
The Group companies participate in collaborative procurements with other bodies when we can gain additional leverage from our expenditure through aggregating our requirements with other organisations. This includes working with central collaborative buying organisations such as the Crown Commercial Service and Scottish Procurement.
The David MacBrayne Group companies advertise tenders on the Scottish Government's national advertising website, Public Contracts Scotland.
The Group's Supply Chain department is located at our Gourock office: Ferry Terminal, Gourock, PA19 1QP.
Telephone (UK)