Environmental Plan
High on our list of strategic priorities is supporting the Scottish Government’s commitment to a net zero Scotland by 2045. Our Environmental Plan outlines actions that teams across our organisation are undertaking to protect the natural environment in the communities we serve.

Going forward, our Environmental Plan will be incorporated into our three-year business plan. Environmental objectives and targets included in our business plan will be available to view on this page once finalised.
Caledonian MacBrayne Environmental Plan 2024 - 2027 (accessible version)
CalMac Ferries is committed to supporting the aims of the Scottish Government to provide a wealthier and fairer, smarter, healthier, safer, stronger and greener Scotland.
We are a lifeline service provider in the Clyde and Hebrides Regions and are part of the DNA of the Highlands and Islands, embedded in the local community where we play an integral part in the economic sustainability of the area's social and business life.
We will minimise impact on the marine and terrestrial environments in which we operate and, wherever possible, enhance biodiversity and the quality of Scotland's natural environment for future generations to enjoy.
We are subject to both terrestrial and marine environmental legislation and strive to go beyond minimum compliance wherever possible.
We operate under the requirements of our ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System which identifies and mitigates the environmental risk of our operations. Our environmental performance is managed by the Environmental Manager with support across the organisation.